TAIKA (meaning ‘magic’ in Finnish) is an all-Finnish female choir based in The Hague. Founded in 2012 by Master of Music Karla-Maria Toiviainen, TAIKA has remained a vibrant and evolving ensemble. While the size of the choir fluctuates due to the transient nature of the Finnish expatriate community in the Netherlands, a core group of around 12 dedicated singers ensures that TAIKA’s spirit and cultural significance endure.
TAIKA is more than just a choir; it serves as a cultural beacon for Finns in the Netherlands, fostering a deep connection to Finnish heritage through music. The choir’s mission extends beyond performance—it actively promotes Finnish culture and the rich tradition of female choral music. Additionally, TAIKA provides a welcoming and supportive network for Finnish female vocalists living abroad.
Since January 2025, TAIKA has been under the direction of conductor Kerttu Keinänen, whose leadership brings fresh energy and artistic vision to the ensemble. Weekly rehearsals in The Hague allow the choir to refine their musical skills and maintain their high standard of performance.
TAIKA’s repertoire is diverse, spanning genres from traditional Finnish folk to contemporary pop, with a particular emphasis on Finnish female choral music. However, the choir also embraces global influences, bringing international melodies to their audiences with equal passion and skill.
As a highly sought-after ensemble, TAIKA frequently performs at events hosted by businesses and organizations. Their musical journey has taken them beyond the Netherlands, with notable performances in Finland (2015), Verona (2017), and London (2018). In April 2018, TAIKA competed in a choir competition in the Netherlands, earning praise for their discipline and stage presence. Looking ahead, the choir continues to explore new opportunities to share their magic with audiences across Europe and beyond.
Finse Vrouwenkoor TAIKA
-Het meest magische koor van Nederland-
TAIKA (wat ‘magie’ betekent in het Fins) is een volledig Finse vrouwenkoor gevestigd in Den Haag. Opgericht in 2012 door Master of Music Karla-Maria Toiviainen, is TAIKA een levendig en dynamisch ensemble gebleven. Hoewel de omvang van het koor fluctueert vanwege de veranderlijke Finse expatgemeenschap in Nederland, zorgt een kern van ongeveer 12 toegewijde zangers ervoor dat de geest en culturele betekenis van TAIKA blijven bestaan.
TAIKA is meer dan alleen een koor; het dient als een cultureel baken voor Finnen in Nederland en bevordert een diepe verbinding met het Finse erfgoed door middel van muziek. De missie van het koor gaat verder dan optreden – het promoot actief de Finse cultuur en de rijke traditie van vrouwelijke koormuziek. Daarnaast biedt TAIKA een gastvrij en ondersteunend netwerk voor Finse vrouwelijke vocalisten in het buitenland.
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Suomalainen naiskuoro TAIKA
-Hollannin maagisin kuoro-
TAIKA on Haagissa toimiva suomalainen naiskuoro. Sen perusti vuonna 2012 musiikin maisteri Karla-Maria Toiviainen. Vuosien varrella kuoron jäsenmäärä on vaihdellut, mutta kuoron ytimessä on kuitenkin noin 12 omistautunutta laulajaa. Tämä liikkuvuus johtuu Alankomaiden ulkosuomalaisyhteisön vaihtuvuudesta, minkä vuoksi jäseniä tulee ja menee. TAIKAn pysyvä henki on kuitenkin edelleen kiinteä yhteys kulttuuriin.
TAIKA on enemmän kuin pelkkä kuoro; se toimii kulttuurisena majakkana Alankomaissa asuville suomalaisille ja vahvistaa yhteyttä suomalaiseen perintöön musiikin kautta. Kuoron tehtävä ulottuu esitysten ulkopuolelle – se edistää aktiivisesti suomalaista kulttuuria ja naiskuoromusiikin rikasta perinnettä. Lisäksi TAIKA tarjoaa lämpimän ja tukevan yhteisön ulkomailla asuville suomalaisille naislaulajille.
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Tuuli Korte

Her fascination with the connection and imitation between the human voice and instruments has always been at the center of her musical exploration. She is inspired by the diverse genres, affects, rhetoric, and colors of music.
Tuuli’s journey led her to the Netherlands in 2019, when she started her studies in baroque violin at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague, specialising in early music performance practice. She has also pursued classical singing studies at the Helsinki Conservatoire and the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. During her studies, she additionally delved into choir and ensemble leading.
Beyond her performances, Tuuli finds joy in sharing her love for music and knowledge by teaching singing and the violin in the Netherlands. Having sung in choirs from a young age, she happily takes on the role of a choir conductor with Taika Choir. Tuuli has a solid background as an orchestra player and is a member of the Juliana Quartet, a string ensemble specializing in 18th-century music, and the Freesia Ensemble.
Karla-Maria Toiviainen

Finnish musician, choir conductor and soprano Karla-Maria Toiviainen graduated from the Sibelius Academy (Music University, Helsinki) with a Master of Music in 2004.
Karla-Maria was born in Helsinki to a family of musicians, and first performed as a singer when she was two years old. That time she also found her love to choirs and choir music.
Aged four she started studying the piano and aged seven also the violin. Aged sixteen she started studying classical singing.
Karla-Maria studied choir and orchestral conducting as a part of her Master degree and graduated with excellent marks. Her teachers were Professor Timo Nuoranne, Professor Matti Hyökki and Hannu Norjanen.
While still studying at Sibelius Academy Karla-Maria started to conduct a female choir, a mixed voice choir and a children’s choir at the Malmi parish, in Helsinki.
After graduation she has worked with several choirs as a conductor and voice coach. Karla-Maria founded her company KARLANDO and TAIKA (then Finnish Female Choir) in autumn 2012. In autumn 2013 she founded the Children’s Choir of The European School of The Hague and conducted it until summer 2016.
Karla-Maria has given concerts as a singer with several pianists and small orchestras in Finland and in The Netherlands, and has also performed on Finnish television and radio. Karla-Maria was a member of Savonlinna Opera Festival Choir (1st soprano) in 2008-2010.
Karla-Maria was the artistic director of TAIKA until fall 2020.